I'm not much of a 'gamer' anymore. I do love a good time waster tho'. Something I can enjoy, either dive in deep and lose some time (release some stress), or just that few minutes to pick up, get a bit of fun in and then get back to work.
One of my favourite games back in the day was by Team17, and it was Worms. It was an interesting take on the old "tank wars" game, where 2 teams fired at angles to destroy each other... then came Cow Wars (replace tanks with cow launchers) and then a really cool Scorched Earth game...
But to up the ante that next level - a fun take where the teams are made up of worms. Worms who have Uzis, or bazookas or... the dreaded Banana Bomb.
Worms has evolved over the years and the latest iteration on our phones is Worms WMD.
It hits all the right retro feels - having the typical game mechanics of moving your worms around and adjusting the angles and power... you can even use a gamepad (like Gamevice).
Check out my quick video play here.
Looking forward to customizing it more - more voice sounds!
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