As Stadia shifts to trying to bring as many 3rd party developers onto the platform as possible (as they've closed their development studio), getting friendly with developers out there should be top priority.
Unfortunately, they've touched on a nerve with the folks from Re-Logic studio, well, specifically a one Andrew Spinks, the co-creator of Terraria.
The dispute comes out from the fact that Spinks had some issues with losing his Google data and in retaliation is removing his games from any Google platform.
I absolutely have not done anything to violate your terms of service, so I can take this no other way than you deciding to burn this bridge. Consider it burned. #Terraria for @GoogleStadia is canceled. My company will no longer support any of your platforms moving forward.
— Andrew Spinks (@Demilogic) February 8, 2021
Shame, just before Valentine's day to see this breakup. Ouch.
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