Android 15 Easter Egg [video]

Last week we got Android 15.  Not a lot of 'visible difference' for most of us, as it was really under the hood.

The first thing a lot of us 'droid geeks' love to do is check the Easter Egg - and this one at first seems pretty similar to 14.

Go into Settings / About

Scroll down to find the Android Version.  Tap it.

Then in this screen find Version Number and tap it repeatedly until you see the Android 15 'badge' show up.

Hold your finger down for a few seconds and you'll see the stars start to lengthen and eventually be presented with the "Landroid" game from last version.

This has the option where you adjust angle and thrust of a little bugdroid in space to find a planet.  Supposedly you can 'land', but I've never had the patience for it... just happy to let it sorta orbit a planet.

But that's not all.

You can now go back in settings and in the Display / Screensaver options, there's a new "Landroid" option to pick which has an animation of the bugdroid floating around.

