Seriously, I saw this thing and the first thing I said was "it looks like the Pixel Watch", and it was intentional. They really are going for a theme to unify device looks.
It's been a while since they'd updated the Thermostat and not that I thought the last one was missing anything, but seeing this new one I can see where some real improvements were needed, things you didn't even think you'd want, but are features that you go "of course".
- The face that looks like a watch, will kinda act like the watch's face by having TIME. Seriously, I'm surprised how the last couple options didn't have a clock. Not only will the face have time, but it'll show temperature (and an animated one at that)
- Learning - now sure, all the others have tried to learn what your rhythms and cycles - but it's now going to take into the learning how your house responds to heating and weather to adjust how it handles the heating/cooling. I know my current model was the thing that warned me that my old furnace had died ("hey, I've been telling it to turn on and the house isn't getting hotter"), but this new one will factor in external conditions (weather, etc...) to calculate more efficient heating.
- Comes with a temperature sensor IN THE BOX. I had forgotten that the external sensors were a feature you could buy separately. Well, now one comes with it. Put it in a room that you think doesn't get a lot of the heating/cooling love in the house and you can now have the thermostat factor that sensor in too for how much it's going to heat
Should be getting a unit to review soon, so I'll let you know when I get hands-on.
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