Nest Aware - from Legacy to the new version

I love having my doorbell cameras (okay, and now I have that Jack White song stuck in my head).

When I first started to use the wired doorbell in the front, the Nest Aware option was $5/month and I got a live feed 24/7 for up to 5 days.  It was very cool to scrub through the timeline.

But, I needed to pay for that for every camera.

Then, they updated it to $8/month and it included EVERY camera on your account.  Except, instead of live 24/7 you only recorded 'events', but the window was now 30 days worth.

When I got the 2nd doorbell that was wireless I wanted to have something better than the "free, but only 3 hours window".  So I updated the account from the Legacy which included only the front to the new and got EVERY camera (including my Nest Hub Max).

The wireless one it made sense, it's not live streaming 24/7 anyways, that'd be a huge battery killer.  But I was sad to lose the front one.

But, here's how the 2 versions behaved:


