I really like the Stadia platform. I've been keeping up my Pro account since the beginning now - mostly because as soon as you drop your pro account, you lose those free games that came with that pro level.
If you don't pay for the pro, you only get the games that you've paid for. If you haven't paid for any games, your non-pro folder looks very empty.
Until Thursday. Starting on November 19th, the Destiny 2 (basic version) will be free for anybody to play.
And you don't need to buy anything to make that free account. Sign up, play on your laptop with a keyboard and mouse and you're good to go. You could use a controller and connect it with your phone (eligible phones varies)
Now, it's the 'basic version', meaning you'll porbably need some DLCs and you can't play in more than 1080p, and Stadia doesn't do cross platform play, so you'll only play with other Stadia players.
But, it's a nice way to dip your toes in the water of this platform.
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