Huawei's launching the P40 via livestream on March 26th at 9AM

More than ever, right now, we're going to need to be connected.  Like most of out there, I'm glued to my device right now.  Connecting for work, connecting to colleagues and clients, staying in touch with friends and family.  Using this thing is a lifeline right now.

So, having a good device we can rely on is going to be important.  I love my Huawei P30 Pro ... it's my device I sit down with after the long day of headphones on and videoconference out that I shoot up some folks on PUBG or watch some youtube etc...

The P40 is due out soon, and we'll see all we can of it tomorrow at Huawei's virtual launch event.

Now, I never tried the Mate 30 when it came out to see how it was without the Googley-goodness.  The P40 will be in the same boat.

It will be interesting to see how a non-Google centric app scenario is, with their AppGallery up and going, yet it still doesn't have the full offering that Google Play has (i.e. Facebook... will it have PUBG?).

Check out the live stream tomorrow and you'll see what the new P40 is all about. 
Huawei Canada invites you to join us tomorrow - Thursday, March 26th - at 9 a.m. EST online, as we step into a new era of #VisionaryPhotography with our P40 Series global livestream event. Experience how Huawei’s technology of tomorrow brings new possibilities to the world today!