AndroidTO is bringing droidcon to Toronto

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Mark that date in your calendar folks.

9 years ago I got to go to the 2nd annual AndroidTO event and we as a blog visited the next few.  It's only been the past couple where it was a bit of a hard fit for us to get down.

This year will mark the 10th anniversary, as such they have some big plans.  AndroidTO is going to bring droidcon, the biggest of the Android conferences, to Toronto. 

Droidcon is a big network of conferences happening around the world for over the past 10 years. Now, I'm assuming that it's in the place of AndroidTO, which makes the most sense. It's the same timing, same topics, just now with the bigger branding of droidcon which hopefully can bring in even more big names.

November 13th... I'm hoping I can be there for it. 

Tickets right now are on sale for $99CDN as the super early bird, the early bird is $125 and the regular price being $225

Source: via