Human Fall Flat launched on mobile

Okay, I meant to post this the other day, but I've been obsessed playing it since it came out.

My son's friend brought it over to the house one day on the Switch and it looked fun.  Now it's on Android, it is fun.

Human: Fall Flat is a simple game of some amorphous human who needs to solve problems and you control simple movements in order to solve the problem.  It sounds too simple, but it's quite funny when you get it going.  Like the level where you have to be able to stick your hand on a rope and swing over a ravine to land on the other side.  You have to learn how to get those hands to stick and when to stick and when to let go.

It's some awesome physics.

Here's some initial play:

It's a load of fun.  And I can play on my Pixelbook and Tablet ... going to have to play some videos with Dean trying to solve the puzzles.

Get it on Google Play