Trainer Battles now here for Pokemon Go!

So, something my son was giving the Pokemon Go app grief over was the ability to have pvp battles... "it's something they had like waaay back" he tells me.  I don't know when they officially had it in the Pokemon canon of games, but it's now here for the Pokemon Go app.

No longer do you have to fight only at a gym, you can 'fight' your friends!

The new update introduces "Trainer Battles".

Now, I'll preface this with the fact that I haven't had a chance to try it out yet.

I got the screen and update the other day, but didn't actually get the ability to have the battles.

Plus, it's been work and haven't had a chance to actually have a fight.

But you go into your friend list and then click one and if they're a 'Best' or 'Ultra' friend you can challenge them from wherever you are.  If they're less you'll have to be 'near' (not sure how near tho').

When you pick a fight you pick a league (I guess that means more to people who are Poke'fans). 

Then have at 'er.

Do you play?  What do you think of the trainer battles?