First 48 hours with the S8

Last summer I decided I wanted a waterproof phone for kayaking. I thought I would wait to see what the S8 brought and I'm glad I did. The edge design and tall screen really works for me. I preordered from Samsung so I got the free gear. Captured my first impressions.

I decided to get a case right away because I was expecting my Speigen nanofit to take awhile to arrive. It came on the same day as my S8 so I got to compare the Speigen with the Samsung case. I like cases that are thin and don't hide the phone. They both fit the bill but I've decided to use the Samsung case as my daily use because it provides a little better protection of the screen and there is the extra cutout for the fingerprint scanner. Speaking of the fingerprint scanner, I always have to adjust to them and I keep forgetting it's on the left so I have to take a quick glance. I have a problem pressing too hard, I had that at first with the front print scanner so I'm sure I'll adjust.

I tried using the Experience launcher and it was okay but...I'm back with Action Launcher. I like haveing a much smaller grid and with such a tall screen there's not reason not to have a 7x5 grid. I'm glad the edge apps still work because I was using Meteor Swipe to do the same thing.

People are always curious about battery life. I found out, with wireless charging, it was hard to actually let it drain. I play tunes at work and let it stand on on a wireless charger and let it stand on a charger at home. Here's the profile for the past day. I feel like there is a leak somewhere because it looses quite a bit of battery while sitting. I've disabled facebook because I'm not on there. Unfortunately I've done two things so if it gets better I won't know which it is.

It was hard to give up my S6 - it was an international unlocked version that got the Nougat update few months ago. was worth it. I really like how the S8 feels in hand and appreciate the extra screen space above the keyboard. It was no where near the adjustment the S6 was to hold. Waterproofing and removeable storage sealed the deal. Now off to try the Gear VR. I had one with the S8 so I'm eager to try it with the remote.
