Need a simple launcher? Try ASAP

Cover artIn the little Telegram tech chat group, our +Rob Blaich had said how much he liked ASAP Launcher, so I thought I'd give the little launcher a try myself.

It was very neat, with just a single 'desktop pane' that you're not allowed to put icons on, but have 'widget panes' on the left and right ... very simple.

Well, you'll see:

So very simple.  Personally I wish they could switch out the todo lists with Keep and it'd be something I'd definitely find myself giving it a try for a week.

As it is, I found too much confusion with swiping to a panel and then swiping from the side... made that mistake often.  Plus, without any option for widgets, I'm a little sad as I really like my widget choices and quick access to features like SoundHound.

But that's just me... maybe it'll be for you (and Rob).  And hey, it's free... give it a try.
Get it on Google Play
