Snowball notification brings you a 'smarter' notification inbox

We've talked about Snowball in the past and now it's been updated to bring you a fresh new look on Lollipop. Snowball's goal is to bring you a clutter free notification environment and an easy to access interface to reply to your notification. In this version of Snowball, the goal was to make it even smarter!

Once you've installed Snowball on your phone it will replace the notification experience that you've been accustomed to. It will manage the notification interface for you and in doing so, it will remove some of them that it thinks isn't useful such as notification for updated apps.

Taking a step further  you can even select notification you'd normally see and hide them, thus allowing to only see relevant notification on your device.

On Snowball’s main screen, you’ll see your most important notifications ordered at the top in an “Important” section, followed by “Everything Else.” That way, you’re able to keep track of those notifications that actually matter, without getting overwhelmed with the noise from all the rest.

Snowball features some additional tricks for you. For example, instead of opening your messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, SMS, WhatsAPP, Hangout and others, you can reply to incoming messages directly from the notification itself. You're also provided with the ability to watch YouTube videos or read URLs sent by friends in a card-like interface without having to open the app.

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