Not many days left on this deal, but Magzter is trying to be an alternative to the Play Store, with a wide range of magazines.
Now they're hoping to sway you Android users by offering their entire library free of charge for the month of November.
Not bad... Got any magazines you'd like to read on the go? Free is always a good price!
Now they're hoping to sway you Android users by offering their entire library free of charge for the month of November.
Free stuff is awesome.So, Magzter, the largest and fastest-growing digital magazine store and newsstand in the world, with more than 22 million users globally, is offering all 4,500 of its publications for free in the month of November—exclusive to Android users. Just click here to download the app and start reading.Magzter offers top-tier magazines like Esquire, Cosmopolitan, Elle, ESPN, Maxim, Fast Company, Forbes, The Atlantic, and more. And, for the next weeks, you can read any/all issues for free.
Not bad... Got any magazines you'd like to read on the go? Free is always a good price!
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