Humble Mobile Bundle #9 [deals]

Okay, so I've told you about my seemingly powerlessness in just auto-purchasing Humble Mobile Bundles.  Well #9 is no exception to the rule.

What makes this exceptionally an auto-buy is that one of the games listed this time is well over the 'average' price.

as I'm at work and they filter that site out I borrowed the image from:

Here's what you'll get if you pay anything less than the average:
  • Bardbarian: Golden Axe Edition
  • Neuroshima Hex
  • Syberia
But pay more than the average (which for me was π i.e. $3.14) you'll also get
  • First Strike
  • Leo’s Fortune
  • Out There
It's Leo's Fortune I'm excited about because to buy the game it's $5... to buy it for one game, I'm already saving like $1.86.  Plus, you'll get 5 more games, the music, and mystery games to yet be announced (they always add in a couple near the end) and some of the money goes to charity!

Go grab it at:
