Rogers Confirms Moto X Update in October

As +Ryan Moore posted earlier, there's a update floating around for the Moto X. It's not the 4.3 that everyone initially thought, but a simple update to address camera issues while still holding its 4.2.2 OS version.

If you want to see some proof that the camera is improved, check out +Ryan Moore's post about it >>Here<<.

We've heard confirmation that Rogers is beginning to test this OS update and will roll it out to their customers shortly. Though no specific time has been said, we can expect it'll be sometime in October. They're a little behind on the update since T-mobile got theres a couple days ago already, but at least it's on its way.

Interesting news to follow this OTA buzz. on XDA I've seen a couple T-Mobile 4.3 Engineering builds floating around that are flashable via Fastboot. They're not retail roms, so bugs are bound to be found, but this confirms that the 4.3 OS update is indeed coming and currently being perfected for our Moto X devices. Don't start sitting on the edge of your seat yet though for 4.3, we still got a way to go before Rogers makes a move on it, for now they're still dealing with the patch for 4.2.2.
