I mean, really, our phones are always near us, so how are they making us happier during our happiest times (well, for me, Summer is my happiest times: fishing, canoeing, relaxing, sun...)
I asked you to pick THE way it's assisting you, and here's what you answered:
Being my camera
(helping with organizing my memories) 23%
Organizing the calendar of activities 5%
Keeping me in touch with good friends 18%
Keeping me up to date on the weather 14%
Giving me entertainment on the lazy days
(movies, books, music, etc...) 9%
Other 32%
Graphically you can represent it as:
A big chunk has chosen 'other'. So what's that entail?
- 9% was 'all of the above' way to go guys, I said pick one!
- 5% was using Google Maps to find good locations
- 5% was sharing highlights (which would probably be a mix of camera and keeping in touch)
Aside from that, being your camera is a very important feature for your phone apparently. Who'da thunk it!?!
Thanks to everybody who partook of the survey. What do you think of the results?
What should be our next survey?
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