Fongo/FPL services are best used with the codec g729. The problem is that the codec is patented and the developer had to remove it from it's latest CSipSimple stable release that just came out on May 11th, 2013. If you updated to this last release, you're no longer using the service at it's best. The only way to use it at it's full potential again is to BUY the codec and install it. It is not cheap as you can see here. Unless you want to spend that money and encourage a patented codec, go ahead, but in my case I could not justify buying it.
The idea here is to not update CSipSimple to the latest stable version 1.00.00 r2225 and if you already did without backing up your previous version, you might not know what to do to reverse the installation and go back to the one that includes the g729 codec.
So here's a link to the previous stable release 0.04.04 r1916 that includes the g729 codec.
Reinstall this and you're good to go.
On a side note, if you're wondering if the CSipSimple templates for Fongo and Freephoneline are properly setup, I did email the dev with their specs and he confirmed with me that everything is up-to-date.
Now sit back, make yourself comfortable and enjoy the power of VoIP on your Android!!
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