Of course nothing like that is making it to our way... as far as I can tell. Business as usual for the whole "fu Canada" theme we've been getting from el Goog.
So, when I saw that Google was updating their Gmail... I thought cool.
Not about the new filters (which I swear we had before... maybe as part of labs?), anyways, but it's a new refreshed UI and the slide out nav bar. Cool.
The fact that we wouldn't be getting it any time soon... I could be patient. Hearing that others are getting it now... and all US folk... kinda gets me jealous, but it's nothing outside the norm of the whole "FU Canada" we get from Google.
But it gets worse.
There's a new Play Store (check out Android Police for a download), nobody I know has got it yet.
Then I see there's a new Google Calendar. Some nice eye candy. A refreshed look to pick the date and time. Very nice.
But, it's not showing up for me.
Then there's the update of Google Play Music.
This isn't much, but adds the highly missed out feature of being able to delete tracks from your phone. And nothing happening for me.
So I got to my Play Store to double check. Go into "My Apps", nothing needing updates. Go specifically to the Calendar and Music app... nada.
No 'update'... but, if you look it's showing snapshots of the new features. It's saying today's date.
But still no update. Previously if the update isn't rolled around to us, we wouldn't get anything but the older screen. This is just painful ... this tease.
Anybody getting it yet?
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