What I didn't really talk about was how to work with those files (well I did, but briefly).
With that in mind, I want to show off a couple tools to manage the files you have, whether they're in the cloud (you know me, I'm a cloud storage guy) or on the device locally (can we call non-cloud files, ground files?)
I'll take a look at some 'ground file' management, and then launch into some 'cloud file' management.

Some versions of Android/Skins have a file system / manager already there, stock doesn't. Either way, I still recommend Solid Explorer.
On the first level it's an app that let's you see all your files. I had to go into the settings to adjust it to ensure I got it so that it showed hidden files (i.e. those .files like .thumbnails) and have directories listed first.
To work with the files you have you can just tap on them, then depending on the 'hooks' for that file, you can open it with whatever applicable app.
Long press a file to have other options like Cut/Copy etc... (note Send is the 'share').
You can even drag and drop (long press on the thumbnail). Simple tap on the thumbnails lets you select multiple items (and you'll then notice action keys below pop up for cut/copy etc...).
Then here's where it gets cool. If you notice at the bottom it has a blue bar that goes halfway... that's there because they have 2 panels. If you swipe to the right you'll see the bar move and you'll have another 'panel' or think of it like a 'window'. This comes in handy because you make make it quickly move / copy to the other panel easily (rather than Cut the files, navigate, navigate, navigate, paste).
You can even add an FTP to explore as well (for some reason it just never quite works as well for me... I think our NAS drive has issues).
Now you're only limited to Dropbox, Box, Drive, Skydrive, & Sugarsync. Here's hoping they add CX or Copy soon.
Pretty good stuff. And it still does a lot more even... Disk space usage, etc...
Solid Explorer

Solid Explorer Unlocker

Currently it only supports: Drive, Skydrive, Box and Dropbox. I'm attaching their stock photos (not my own screenshots), because I thought installing it would be redundant when I have Solid.
Cloudii is currently a 14 day trial, after which you'll have to pay for it via an in-app purchase (does that sync as well to other devices?). Which the auth describes as a cup of coffee.

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