Notify Me! - A Great LockScreen Popup App for Android

As an avid Android user, I'm always looking for the greatest features to show off and get the most out of my devices. One thing I really liked about the iPhone back in the day was the lockscreen popups it had for Text messages and other various events.

I found an app on XDA called Notify Me! that's really impressing me since I started using it.

Notify Me! gives you the freedom and ability to select what apps you will have popup, and even filter it to a list of chosen words that will cause the popup. As you can see I ran a couple tests and did a very common popup such as SMS, and a not so commonly seen popup of a recent Google+ update.

In order to use this app you have to enable it in your accessibility within settings, so this will be constantly running process, but thankfully it doesn't seem to put any real strain on my system.
Best of all, this app doesn't require root access, so it makes it virtually available for anyone with OS 2.1+ and it's FREE!

If you want to get your hands on Notify Me!, head on over to XDA and see the original article here
