One app that everybody is using on their phone is probably an alarm clock app. Is it okay to simply stick to the stock app that comes with your device? Hum... I don't think so, especially if like me, you need to snooze a few times every morning but can't make the mistake of cancelling your alarm and sleep in!
Alarm Clock Xtreme has come a long way since I first installed it a couple of years ago on my HTC Hero. The app has since been upgraded with a Holo theme so it sure is looking good. More features have been added and tweaked.
I try to stay away from the stock Alarm Clock and really appreciate Alarm Clock Xtreme for two important reasons:
1- There's an option to be waken up less abruptly with the volume crescendo option.
2- You cannot cancel your alarm by mistake because you need to solve a math problem to shut it off.
As always, a generous amount of options and features makes ACX an app I really like. I suggest that when you set the "Math difficulty level" into your math settings, you start at "Easiest", otherwise your head might hurt the next time you try to solve it first thing in the morning!
One option I keep using is the "Preview" option. Anytime I change the settings of my alarm, I make sure to preview my alarm and make sure it works! Even the "Skip next" can become very useful when you get an unexpected day off work.
A timer is included into the app but I rarely use it now that JB 4.2 has a neat little one already included in Clock. If you're not on JB 4.2, then this option can become handy for you.
I had to email the developers a few times about different issues in the past and every time they responded back so the support is great. Fortunately, I didn't have to email them in a long time so this tells me how solid the app is. Don't hesitate and give Alarm Clock Xtreme a try and let me know what you think of it!

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