It's Adventure Time! Super Jumping Finn

Ready for a little Adventure Time?
You can join Finn and Jake in Super Jumping Finn for your Android Device.

Super Jumping Finn is your typical Super Jump based game. Jake lines up and kicks Finn as hard as he can to launch Finn through the air for maximum distance. While hurling through the hair, Jake makes multiple attempts to hit Finn again to aid him in flight, all the while the user has to protect Finn from objects getting in his way.

Fans of the show such as myself will probably get a kick out of this, where new coming may be less than impressed. Also with a high price of nearly $3 for a game as basic as it is, it's a little rich for what's being offered to the table. None-the-less this game is pretty fun for a quick go while having those few minutes to kill during your daily travels.
