OnePlus could award your photo $10,000

One of the more transformative things about us having our phones with us all the time is the ability to take photos and document our life, moment by moment.  The increasingly amazing tech that goes into the camera really brings 'photography' to everybody.

OnePlus is running a photography contest to highlight the creativity we have with these mobile tech solutions.

The contest was opened February 29th and is still open until the end of June.

Photos will be awarded in 3 categories

And then winners will have a suite of potential prizes.  $5,000 for 1st place in a category, $2,000 for 2nd and $1,000 for 3rd; and then there is the photograph of the year for $10,000.

Although, a good photograph does take some planning and set up, sometimes serendipity plays a huge role, an then the tech these days are so good that you can just snap and it'll do what it can with the scene to display it the best.

Happy clicking!
