6 apps to be productive on Android and actually accomplish day to day work!

Is it possible to be a productive member of society while being on an Android device? Sure, you can! This is going to be my list of 10 applications that I use on a regular basis to keep me productive at work.

I remember doing an article some time ago that feature me going all out mobile and work only from my tablet. It's absolutely possible to be all out and productive on an Android device. Let's face it, being productive on an Android device does take a bit of time to get used to, however, it's not impossible.

My number one application for staying on top of what happens is my email client, everyone in the business world uses email to do day to day operations. This is where, CloudMagic shines, access to IMAP, Exchange and I can both manage my work emails and home email.

While being a busy bee and replying to all these emails, there's bound to be some documents to be handled and managed. I for one, work in a place where Microsoft Word is predominant, in keeping true with my work colleagues, I use Microsoft Word for Android, this allows me to keep on top of documents, view them as they would and just the sheer ability to stay on the same page with them.

With Android having an ability to view PDF's by default, I have no need to actually source out a PDF viewer, but, that's not entirely what I need. I do have a need to scan documents, sign and email. My next choice when it comes to that is Genius Scan+. This image capture and PDF converter is a blessing. It does exactly what I need which is to scan a bunch of pages and send them off.

Another useful app to have is Keep from Google, this allows me to set reminders and have small to do list. I really don't have many to-dos but this serves the purpose of what I need perfectly. It's also my go to notepad for anything I need to write down and come back later, such as writing an article, a review on the go or in the field work.

While I need to keep a few things organised with a to-dos list, I also need to place meetings and appointments with a calendar and there's no better calendar than Today Calendar to achieve what I need in terms of a calendar into an agenda mode all the while giving a month view.

All with working and keep track of work, there's also the need to keep up with news at the same time, here comes Palabre which is configured to work with my list of news. This app offers me a magazine view of the items and on a tablet, this is perfect for reading up quickly on some headlines.

Microsoft Word
Genius Scan+
Google Keep
Today Calendar
Palabre RSS

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