TD tap to pay - back in beta...

I was excited to see that one bank is getting it right. The TDCanadaTrust mobile app updated today to include tap to pay with any carrier as long as you get an NFC SIM card. I zipped around to my local Bell Store and for $10 plus 5 minutes of my times I was ready to start setting things up.

TD is very careful with your data. While you don't initially log into your device, once your device is confirmed will work with the app, you use your password every step of the way. Once you access your account, eligible cards are available to choose for making payment. It's suggested that you setup a 5 digit passcode for your mobile payment. I'm still waiting for my mobile card to generate. It's supposed to take less than an hour but  who knows with a new service on a Friday night. Hopefully shopping tomorrow!

*******UPDATE******* Mobile part of app pulled back, I suspect because of problems reading the text that verifies the mobile account setup.

  •  the limitations on Tap to pay is the same for mobile devices and paywave cards.
  • you must be on data (not WiFi) to use tap to pay.
  • according to MobileSyrup, only the S4, S3, Note 2, Note 3 and HTC One M7. it seems like they are trying on well established popular devices before building out the service.
