What do you get with CloudStorage? The ease of having your entire picture collection online and accessible from any internet connected device, whether this be your laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.
Let's take a look at a nice little diagram that illustrate it in perspective:
With our Android smartphone we have quite a bit of storage but it still remains fairly limited for some people who actually use a good amount to store, pictures, videos, documents and with the idea of cloudstorage you remove the need to have a physical media for this data that you can now access online from virtually any source.
Some application will even allow you to link to your online storage so that you can view them directly in your gallery or stream your music from the cloud like the Google Play Music. But this also leaves people living outside of metropolitan area in the dark if they have unreliable internet service which is probably why we still media storage galore with our smartphones. The default Gallery application should now be able to connect to extra services like Dropbox, Drive, Flickr which in turns allows you to browse your pictures.
We'd like to think that everyone is connected, but this isn't the case for everyone. Some rural more hard to access area don't all have this luxury, hopefully most of do live in an area that can have access to reliable services.
Here's a break down of how I've personally am using the cloud. I use Google Drive to store documents, anything that's document related is going there. Then I have pictures and projects which I store on Dropbox. Which leaves me with MISC stuff which doesn't fall in those two categories and I get that stored on MediaFire. For my music well Google Play Music is hosting all of that. Since I only have about 3000 songs I can still get an other 17 000 of them on there, which will take me time.
Within Google Drive, I have several folders for each area that I need, such as emails, text messages, bills, notes, project and technical documentation.
Within Dropbox, I have folders for pictures, cameras, family, friends, exposé, graphic projects etc.
Within MediFire, I keep a backup of Dropbox content plus I have my own Android APK projects.
At home I've actually created a hardlink between the Dropbox folder and the MediaFire folder making them the same so that the content is mirrored to both services. This way I have a second copy on hand of the exact same thing. Plus on MediaFire I've selected task for specific content to have at least 2 backups of modified files created. This permits me to go back and retrieve something if I find there's an error.
Most of us don't need to have access on hand to all of our content, as long as we get to it when we need to then it's perfect solution. You may even mark some of them files to be kept locally as a copy.
Virtually anything you carry with you can be backed up to the clouds, this includes emails, text messages, notes for classes and the likes. Evernote provides that ability to keep everything organized for you and allow you to retrieve them later on while your working away on your NoteBook or your Note 3. I think by now the only limitation is was we impose on ourselves when it comes to being out there with tech.
If you've liked this article, don't be shy to let us or me know and contribute to it and share your own experience with the cloud. In the mean time, until my next article or review!
Let's take a look at a nice little diagram that illustrate it in perspective:
With our Android smartphone we have quite a bit of storage but it still remains fairly limited for some people who actually use a good amount to store, pictures, videos, documents and with the idea of cloudstorage you remove the need to have a physical media for this data that you can now access online from virtually any source.
Some application will even allow you to link to your online storage so that you can view them directly in your gallery or stream your music from the cloud like the Google Play Music. But this also leaves people living outside of metropolitan area in the dark if they have unreliable internet service which is probably why we still media storage galore with our smartphones. The default Gallery application should now be able to connect to extra services like Dropbox, Drive, Flickr which in turns allows you to browse your pictures.
We'd like to think that everyone is connected, but this isn't the case for everyone. Some rural more hard to access area don't all have this luxury, hopefully most of do live in an area that can have access to reliable services.
Here's a break down of how I've personally am using the cloud. I use Google Drive to store documents, anything that's document related is going there. Then I have pictures and projects which I store on Dropbox. Which leaves me with MISC stuff which doesn't fall in those two categories and I get that stored on MediaFire. For my music well Google Play Music is hosting all of that. Since I only have about 3000 songs I can still get an other 17 000 of them on there, which will take me time.
Within Google Drive, I have several folders for each area that I need, such as emails, text messages, bills, notes, project and technical documentation.
Within Dropbox, I have folders for pictures, cameras, family, friends, exposé, graphic projects etc.
Within MediFire, I keep a backup of Dropbox content plus I have my own Android APK projects.
Most of us don't need to have access on hand to all of our content, as long as we get to it when we need to then it's perfect solution. You may even mark some of them files to be kept locally as a copy.
If you've liked this article, don't be shy to let us or me know and contribute to it and share your own experience with the cloud. In the mean time, until my next article or review!
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