LG Vu 3 - it's still square(ish)

I recently was on a trip and while abroad I like to look at what others are using for phones.  In the US I start seeing a much broader adoption of Android across a ton of OEMs (whereas I tend to notice just Samsungs here in Canada).

One that really took me by surprise was the LG Vu I wandered across.  The user said she really liked the 'look' of the phone and because it was unique, went with it.  If you remember the Vu was the squarish looking device.

Well, they've just announced the Vu 3, which is still sporting the old TV format of 4:3.

It looks kinda like someone smushed down a Galaxy Note 2.  It even has a stylus.
The device has the following for internals:

5.2" @ 1280x960 IPS
2.2GHz x4 Snapdragon 800 processor w/ 2GB RAM

Source:  http://www.lg.co.kr/prcenter/newsView.dev?news_id=2735&com_code=04#zom
