Auto Flash your CM nightlies!

Sometimes there are folks who use Cyanogenmod because they think it's the best ROM out there.

Others, because it's what a friend put on their system for them.  Like how I put it on my wife's phone ... which was my phone originally.

Problem with the latter is that new versions come along and then they won't know it.  So they just zing along without a care.  And for us Android fans out there it just pains us to see someone with an update, but not getting it.
Cover art
Well, get those people to CyanogenROM Downloader.

The latest version now can be set up to act 'on its own', on a schedule to check, then download, then flash a new ROM every night.  Essentially doing something when it isn't in use... how's that for efficiency.

Go give it a whirl

Get it on Google Play
