As +Renaud Lepage put it today on G+
Well played, +TELUS ... well played.
A bit of tongue in cheek humour as apparently July is known as "Cellphone Courtesy Month". Who knew?
Well, they did apparently and they've started a tumblr about it called "keepitinyourpants".
It's quite hilarious actually... give it a read over, just be prepared to explain what it means if someone reads over your shoulder at the office (or home).
How are you going to observe CCM? We have a 'no phone policy' for our staff meetings. It's a start!
You can use the (hash)tag #keepitinyourpants via your various social media if you want to share your tips for using your phone with class!
Click through to read some of the funnier ones (I thought at least)

Well played, +TELUS ... well played.
A bit of tongue in cheek humour as apparently July is known as "Cellphone Courtesy Month". Who knew?
Well, they did apparently and they've started a tumblr about it called "keepitinyourpants".
It's quite hilarious actually... give it a read over, just be prepared to explain what it means if someone reads over your shoulder at the office (or home).
How are you going to observe CCM? We have a 'no phone policy' for our staff meetings. It's a start!
You can use the (hash)tag #keepitinyourpants via your various social media if you want to share your tips for using your phone with class!
Click through to read some of the funnier ones (I thought at least)
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