Lollipop hate or love?

Let's be realistic, Lollipop is here to stay and it's not going anywhere. People may love/hate it.

Now that we have some love from Sony for the Xperia Z2 line, my initial feeling on the subject is; WOOOHOOOO! Now in the next 24 hours and more so when I'll be at +droidcon Montreal and this will be the field test of working with Lollipop.

+Sylvain Le Bourhis is also getting some love with his own version of Lollipop with OxygenOS (Android 5.0.2). His initial thoughts with it for 24 hours can be viewed here.

Android Distribution Numbers for April Give Lollipop 5.4% Overall, KitKat Still on 41.4%.

Shoutout to everyone, if you're on Lollipop, let's talk about it, what are you loving, what's missing, what went wrong and ultimately what's your take on this version of Android?

Comment below, I'm always around and I'll reply back! This community is driven by peoples input.
