Google app updated to Material design (link to APK)

So, the Google app has updated itself (well, I forced it with an APK), and it's really incorporates some more Material look to it.

First off you'll notice (if you use the Google Now Launcher) is that the persisent search bar is now solidly white, the app drawer has now changed to solid white with 6 'holes', and then the app drawer now has a solid white background.

In the Google Now app you'll see a little fresher Material look (#materiyolo) and then in the settings easier access to just the "Now Cards".

What do you think?  I'm not a fan of the solid white; I preferred the transparent look ... but that's just me I guess.  Otherwise, it is looking more and more like Lollipop; and I do just love Google Now and how it always has what I want at the ready.

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