My Pixel 4a5G just got the Android 12L beta

Still waiting for the latest update on my Pixel 6... ugh.  What's the point of having a Pixel if I'm not getting rapid updates?

Well, my Pixel 4a5G I just booted up (I do about once a week to just check things out) and it was set up with the beta updates and got the Android 12L beta.  

A 1.85GB download later and it booted up.

Not a lot of difference (the L is made for the 'large' displays).

But I did notice a difference in 2 things.

First up, yes, if you tap the date in the 'at a glance' widget, it'll open the calendar.

Also, if you long press on the homescreen, you'll have that option for wallpaper, widgets, etc.. but it gives you 4 wallpaper quick options.  

That was really kinda neat.
