Oh! Google Play Store My Apps section updated

Alright, got the new redesigned look of the "My Apps & Games" section in the Google Play Store!

I like updates.  I like checking when I get them and seeing which need the updates as well as what else I have installed (because I have several devices sometimes separating out the 'library' is nice.

So now when you go into the section there's 5 tabs:

Updates - which just shows the apps that need updating and the ones that updated recently.

Installed - apps which are on the phone currently

Library - apps that had been installed by your account, but not on this device (I'm going to like this for when I set up new devices)

Beta - those apps that you just want to live on the wild side for (what would be cool is a listing of apps you have in your installed library that you could enter into)

Family - those apps you have installed that qualify across your family accounts.

What I haven't seen is the ability to 'pull to refresh', there is a refresh circle button at the top tho when there are no updates available to check for you.  Maybe I just need to learn to be patient.