Here I am, wanting to read comic books again! For doing so, I had to go on the Play Store and start the hunt for a new comic reader. The one I used had not been updated in over two years and I remember it had memory trouble when opening certain file types.
I ended up finding Material Comic Viewer Pro. It has material design all over the place and can connect to your cloud storage if that's where you like to store your digital collection of comics.
It can read all sorts of file formats, like .cbr, .rar, .cbz, .zip files and image folders. This app does not support .pdf.
There's so many option. You can find hidden ones by swiping left your comic books; you'll have access to more options like the ability to hide, add to a collection, mark as read/unread and even edit the metadata of the comic book.
Here’s a list of the most notable features:
- Material design
- Download comics from Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive
- Create collections
- Auto generates title, issue number and year from file name
- Remembers your position for all comics
- Zoom using multitouch
- Works on tablets and phones
- Open multiple comics at once with the new lollipop API
- True black amoled mode
- Keeps track of your statistics, eg. number of pages read...
- Option to disable paging when zooming
- Manga support
- Favorite comics
- Mark comics as read/unread
- Search your collection
- Tap to turn pages, long press to inverse turn pages
- Add or remove folders to search for comics
One thing I was worried about is the app's ability to deal with huge files. To test the app, I’ve used comic books well over 900MB each... and it has no trouble at all!

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