Google Now understands your "listen to ..." command

A while back I posted an article talking about the coolest stuff that Google Now can do.

I've long said that it's the BEST feature of devices 4.1+ and several of you have responded similarly in our recent poll that it's their coolest thing to show off.

I listed a ton of stuff that Now can do, but I stumbled across this the other day...
"Listen to _____".  I checked, it wasn't in my list of commands from before, so ... is it new?  Who cares?  It works.
And no, I don't mean for it to 'physically' listen, like it does for Google Ears or voice recognition.  I mean telling it to:

"Listen to Tragically Hip"
(yes, I know it's supposed to be "The" Tragically Hip)

Doing so spits out a quick command card based on what apps you have that 'play music' or would let you listen to it.  In my case I have Google Music and Youtube.  I've seen others post on G+ with it showing Spotify or Rdio etc...

Once it spits out that you have your choice.

If you choose Play Music it starts up Google Play Music and starts playing the first track it can think of with "Tragically Hip" in the title, or album, or artist.

No search results, just plain ol' action.

Choosing YouTube from that option is pretty good as well as it'll bring you straight into YouTube and start playing a video.

Plus the video it'll bring you to is part of a 'playlist' now, and you get the controls to skip back and forth.

Gotta say, that's pretty cool!

Go give it a try.

For more Google Now check out my previous article or see the commands below:
