Minuum keyboard hyped?

The Minuum keyboard was release in the Google Play Store at the cost of $3.99. It is about the same price as other very successful keyboard on the Play Store. What will set this keyboard apart from any other one, is it's typing style.

It's entirely based on prediction, it will learn your typing patterns as you use it and it is based on gesture for some of the controls. This is not the type of keyboard that you can get use to in one day. There's no way that will workout for anyone. Patience is well required for this one because you'll need to put in some effort into typing first few days.

As you can see from the picture above it is quite different. My recommendation is; don't look at the keys your pressing like you usually do base on instinct, instead just press the letters of the words you want to use. In the end it will make it much more easier.

Swiping right will allow you to make a space and swiping left will allow you to do a back space and doing a swipe swirl up will allow you to complete a carrier return.

By having a small keyboard foot print, it allows you to have more screen space and thus not having to scroll around as much. In the end this keyboard is definitely not for the users who intended to do 1 finger typing, this is definitely for the users who are a 2 finger typist.

Perfect for sloppy typing and big fingers but in the end for myself I can't move away from the likes of Swiftkey as I can just simply swipe my words and keep writing very quickly in that manner.

I do recommend this keyboard if your a 2 finger typist and even for myself it was interesting to see how better the prediction was getting at. Give it at least a full week of usage because it will take that much for the application to get use to your style.
