Note 10.1 gets jellybean in Canada

Of course, as soon as I leave town with my Tab2 the update came out for the Note 10.1. I got home and turned it on and the download began to update my Note  - yay.

Happily there was no huge visual change to the tablet. This may seem like a strange thing to say but the update to the tab 7 moved the soft keys to the middle and changed the order! Crazy, I keep hitting the task manager instead of the back button. And I like the soft keys at the bottom left. Google Now comes up with a swipe from the bottom left corner.

First up handwriting. Much more solid recognition (and it was good before) with a fast response. Seems to be doing much better with predictive as well. I'll go back to using the built in keyboard by default. Kii is really nice for the 7 inch. I didn't realize that some apps didn't pop up the handwriting box (for instance, entering the password for the banking app) so I didn't check it it worked with SNote. It does now and is a very nice feature.

The Photo Note feature is surprisingly cool. I wanted to do our holiday picture edits using PS Touch but I think Perfectly Clear will be good enough for me. But then we can write a note that you can have show up on the back of the picture instead of  using a caption. Really nice.

Multi-window has really perked up. Tons of apps including Falcon Pro which just solidified that app for my twitter stream. I don't even need a widget now since I can just have it in a window. YouTube has also gone multi-window (cascade only) but I'll be using Super Video Player because resizing is a nice feature for the 10" screen (and I paid for it already). There are enough choices now to need to edit which ones are on the bar now. Now I just need Google Plus in multi-window.

Overall I'm pretty happy with the update. The Note was already fast and smooth but with JB it has gotten even more responsive.
