Circle Launcher - a classy folder for your apps!

A while back I had done up an article sharing with you my desktop / home screens.

I realized I was an app hoarder and allowing my phone to be cluttered.  That's a sign, isn't it?  So I was looking for a way to clean up.

Especially as most of what I had were just folders... they looked so boring, and plain ol' icons looked so... iPhone-y.  I needed something.

Then i saw an article that reminded me of an old favourite:  Circle Launcher

Simply... Circle Launcher is a simple widget (even though it's got 'launcher' in the title, it's not a launcher).  The idea is straightforward.  Create a widget, and it comes in 1x1, 2x2, 1x2 or 2x1.  The reason for this is that it centres itself in between.  So depending on how you like your phone to look with the different sizes you can pick WHERE the icon for the folder goes.

Once you set it up, you can choose what type of launcher/folder it will be.  Apps / Contacts / Bookmarks.  Pretty self explanatory.  Then you choose which of the type you want.

Now you can start to customize.  Will the folder of apps/whatnot come out as a circle or a line?  Clicking 'more' there's tons of options of how the circle of apps can look, opacity, etc...

With a paid version you can choose what the circle will look like - i.e. a specific 'icon' to be.

Here's where my little tip comes in.  The article I saw suggested making an icon for the folder to be like >10pixels ... so it's darn near invisible.  That's cool.  Hides things, but still let's you plop in a bunch of quick shortcuts to the apps you want.  Makes it look neat!

Definitely a great option for something to help you customize your device.

The only downside is it's not easy to create like a regular folder.  It's all in the pre-setup.  You can edit the folder after.  By opening it up (tapp the folder) it'll let you hit the 'action button' (i.e. menu button) and then get back into the settings.

Be careful about deleting a circle as you will have to REDO EVERYTHING.  Unless you used the 'backup launcher' option in the settings.

Give it a try!

Android app on Google Play

Here's my video on it - for you to see it in action.  I even have a blooper in it that I just leave in... meh.
